A Digital Treatment for
Chronic Cough

Results in a significant reduction in cough sensitivity in 70% of patients with chronic cough. A large proportion of these patients have full or near-full resolution of their cough – resulting in remission of their cough condition.

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Images taken from Hyfe’s BCST based wellness application

Chronic cough affects an estimated 9.6%
of people worldwide



Social Anxiety

Lack of Sleep

Behavioral Cough Suppression Therapy (BCST)
is proven to work

BCST is series of techniques that can
reduce/ eliminate the urge to cough that:
Reduces cough frequency & severity in about 70% of patients
Reduced cough frequency by 41%
Has proven impact in 3 RCTs
Safe, with zero side effects
However, access is extremely limited: there are only ~200 speech-language pathologists in the US who offer BCST, which means most people with chronic cough don’t know about BCST and can’t benefit from it. Hyfe’s DTx is the solution to this supply problem.
RCT’s primary author, Dr Laurie Slovarp, is on Hyfe’s team

Hyfe digitizes BCST and uses AI to monitor cough

Partner with Hyfe to increase access to Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Cough

Safe, no side effects
Effective, proven science
Engaging UX focused on coughers
Widely accessible
Cheaper than drug alternatives